

Our Egyptian society is called "Male Dominated Society"as the males control it by many ways controlling the females claiming that they have the upper hand over the society,pretending that they are superior,but i think now the called"Male Dominated Society" is not appropriate.

How can we say males dominating the society and in that society you will find that the no. of females more than the no. of males and i am sure in recent years the no. of females will be doubled the no of males.

Males either brothers or fathers or husbands or even boy friends_in an Islamic country_have the authority over the girl AS she is weak,must be protected pla pla pla.They ordered her not to come late,not to travel,not,not ,not ,not......

They ordered her with out taking in their consideration that this girl is just ahuman and she didn't choose to be girl,it's her fate and this fate is being hated by many girls because of this horrible control.They have to think that this girl has her own thoughts and opinions and wants to express her point of view not theirs,she has her dreams and wants to achieve them with her own way and mind not their minds.

Now after along struggle many generations fought to get what we have now"we the FEMALES" get the power to hold high positions in many firms and associations,many females managed to control their life independently as the women now are judges_even in not all courts_,professors,minister,and many women today are playing all kinds of sports and they are champions.
Now you can find the females in every successful place many of them decided to be and they gonna be.
SO can we call our society soon or later "Female Dominated Society"as soon or later we gonna gain more and more power and may be_GOD only knows_more than men??
I am not asking that meaning that i want it but we need to change our society's culture especially concerning its look to the girl as she is AGIRL not AHUMAN BEING .Iam asking balance in the way the parents bring up their daughters and their sons,asking for letting the girls to choose not to force them,asking the girls to determine what they want and insist on doing it the way they see the way they want and not giving anyone the key to their life,asking to let the girls do their wants advice them first and let them go even if they gonna fail they will learn they will say my OWN experience not they told me to do
happened and iam not going to let that happen again:
after finishing my high school"thanwya 3mah"and thanks GOD i got high grades making me enter any college i want,my wish since i was kid to enter ALSUN and to be translator and after i succeed i wanted to achieve my wish but come on how can u do this here in my family,the big boos,the ruler,MY MOM,she made her farmaan not to enter alsun as i can enter higher college with my grades _at that time i hate that i studied and got high grades_and it was shoots time
"u don't know where is the good for you,i know more than you,is there anyone let FEPS and enter alsun_screw FEPS_,you are an idiot,u wanna go alsun for the sake of your friend if she wan in your shoes she wouldn't do that,u wouldn't enter alsun"
and what she wanted happened :(
i entered FEPS giving up my dream for the sake of my mom,i know if i was more insisted to do what i want and insist to enter the college i want but i wasn't,but now after 4 years i will be what i want i will be TRANSLTOR(sorry mom).


aleron said...

keep going on your way shemo

be what you want to be

make no one stops you

& one day we all will see each other

not as a Muslim or a Christian

nor as a male or a female

but as a HUMAN BEING

regards :)

lonlysmily said...

iam doing my best to be just me not them
concering the day i think it will take along time to reach that day to look at me as ahuman and also to have aconscience not mirage